
High resolution desktop & phone wallpapers

Flora and Fauna


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Most images have resolution 1920×1440, 1920×1200, 1680×1050 and 1600×1200. They can easily be edited in any dimensions: for wide screen (16:10) 1440×900 and 1280×800, (16:9) 1920×1080 (Full HD), 1600×900, 1280×720, 1024×600 and 1366×768/1360×768 and for the (5:4) 1280×1024, (4:3) 1280×960, 1152×864, 1024×768 and 800×600, for Android, iPad, iPhone, PSP, tablets and phones. Write me if you have difficulty with that. And for those of you who use displays with higher resolutions or dual monitor (dual screen) 3840×1440, 3840×1200, 2880×1440, I can send the pictures you want, with the appropriate dimensions.

All images on this site are copyrighted! They can be used only for personal and noncommercial use. Posting images to other sites, must be accompanied by my name as author and link to photo gallery